Founded in 2018, Bitget is a leading cryptocurrency exchange with various trading products, including copy trading, margin trading, and commission-free spot trading.
You cannot deposit Canadian dollars (CAD) directly, but you can deposit crypto for free, use a third-party bank transfer service or pay with a credit or debit card. Basically, you can but crypto via Canadian crypto exchange and then transfer it to Bitget.
Bitget is a reputable global crypto exchange available in most countries excluding the US, UK, Canada, and sanctioned countries. Bitget is a global exchange catering to skilled users and offers a vast selection of altcoins for Canadian crypto traders. Notably, Bitget stands out with its competitive trading fees of just 0.1%, which can be further reduced by paying with their token BGB.
While deposits in cryptocurrency are free, purchasing crypto with CAD requires a debit card or a third-party bank transfer service like Banxa. For this reason, using Bitget's P2P marketplace is recommended where you can buy USDT in Canada with Interac e-transfer commission free and use it for trading crypto on the platform.
Compared to Bitbuy, it offers over 1000 cryptocurrency coins, so it is the perfect choice for people who like to invest in altcoins. While its platform is certainly not for beginners, once you get used to the advanced interface, Bitget offers so much that you will probably never look at another exchange again.
- Good for Canadians looking to buy and trade altcoins
- Extremely Low trading fees
- DEX/P2P trading
- Advanced order types
- Margin trading
- Futures trading
- Stock token trading
- 1000+ coins
- Simple or advanced interface
- Not beginner-friendly
- No FINTRAC registration in Canada
- Not available in Alberta
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When making financial and legal decisions and commitments, we strongly recommend you consult your professional financial and legal services provider. Our website uses referral links to various crypto exchanges as a means of monetization. We appreciate it if you choose to use the in-article links, but the decision is ultimately yours.